Click or drag to resize

WpfMap Events

The WpfMap type exposes the following members.

Public eventUseMilesChanged
Event indicating a change of the UseMiles property. It can be used to update the scale gadget.
(Inherited from Map.)
Public eventViewportBeginChanged
Event indicating the beginning of a change of the visible map section. This event is intended for more longtime actions (for example reading DB-objects), when the map section will change.
(Inherited from Map.)
Public eventViewportEndChanged
Event indicating the ending of a change of the visible map section. It is the counterpart of the event.
(Inherited from Map.)
Public eventViewportWhileChanged
Event indicating an intermediate view, when animation mode is active. It can be used to adapt the size of WPF objects, or other actions, which are not time-consuming. This event may called multiple times, when animation mode is active.
(Inherited from Map.)
See Also