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MapRectangleMultiply Operator

Inflates the object horizontally and vertically by specifying two different factors for each dimension. The width and height of the rectangle is multiplied by these factors.

Namespace:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map
Assembly:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map (in Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.dll) Version:
public static MapRectangle operator *(
	MapRectangle rect,
	Point inflate


Type: Ptv.XServer.Controls.MapMapRectangle
The rectangle which represents the origin the inflate operation.
Type: System.WindowsPoint
The X-value specifies the new value of the property Width, whereas the Y-value specifies the new value of the property Height.

Return Value

Type: MapRectangle
The object itself is returned, so it can be reused in the same line of code.
See Also