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ReprojectionService Methods

The ReprojectionService type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDetermineSourceSize
Determines the size of the source image. This method is only used when re-projection applies.
Protected methodDetermineSourceSizeByAmountOfPixels
Knowing the source bounding box and its aspect ratio, this helper determines an image size given the an amount of pixels that the image should contain.
Public methodGetImageStream(MapRectangle, Size)
Loads a map image using the specified bounding box and size.
Protected methodGetImageStream(MapRectangle, Size, Boolean, Boolean)
Loads a map image using the specified bounding box and size.
Public methodGetInnerImageStream
Loads a source map image from the inner map service using the specified target bounding box and target size.
Protected methodGetTransformFunction
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToJson
Converts an object to a JSON string representation.
(Defined by JSONWriter.)
See Also