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XMapMetaInfo Methods

The XMapMetaInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckCredentials
Checking credential parameters for HTTP authentication, which are necessary for an xServer configuration running in an Azure environment. After registering in the Customer Centre, you received your personal account data. This data needed for authentication consists of the username, password and a token. Meanwhile the username and password is needed for every authentication aspect, the token is restricted to programming reasons. We recommend to use the token only in your further development steps.
Public methodSetCredentials
Setting credential parameters for HTTP authentication, which are necessary for an xServer configuration running in an Azure environment. After registering in the Customer Centre, you received your personal account data. This data needed for authentication consists of the username, password and a token. Meanwhile the username and password is needed for every authentication aspect, the token is restricted to programming reasons. We recommend to use the token only in your further development steps.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToJson
Converts an object to a JSON string representation.
(Defined by JSONWriter.)
See Also