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Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.Layers.WmtsLayer Namespace

Public classLruCacheTK, T
Implements a very simple, size-restricted and thread safe LRU cache for caching arbitrary elements.
Public classReprojectionTileProvider
Provider that is capable to produce tiles given a MapService that in turn is capable to render map sections in a specific CRS that differs from EPSG:76131. The ReprojectionTileProvider will internally use a ReprojectionService to wrap MapService. This ReprojectionService is used to "map" the MapService's CRS to PTV Mercator using image reprojection.
Public classTileMatrix
Provides an ITileMatrix implementation that does not limit the tile coordinates and works with a fixed 256x256 image size. It calculates BottomRightCorner based on the ScaleDenominator that is part of the WMTS service capabilities.
Public classTileMatrixSet
Basically defines a tile matrix set as a CRS-bound list of tile matrices. Provides additional methods for selecting a tile matrix based on a map request (see SelectTileMatrixDelegate).
Public classWmtsLayer
A layer which draws geographic content based on Web Map Tile Services (WMTS) by means of pre-rendered or run-time computed geo-referenced map tiles. For its major object only two resources are needed: An URL template for addressing each individual tile and a customized classification of the different zoom levels for which tiles have to be generated for.
Public classWmtsMapService
MapService implementation that turns a WMTS service into a WMS-like service allowing arbitrary map sections and zoom levels to be requested.
Public classWmtsMapServiceExtensions
Provides extension methods for WmtsMapService.
Public interfaceITileMatrix
Defines a tile matrix as it is basically part of the WMTS service specification, modified to provide all necessary parameters for the WmtsMapService implementation to work properly.
Public delegateSelectTileMatrixDelegate
Defines a function that determines the best matching tile matrix for rendering a map image with the given logical bounds and image size. This delegate is used by WmtsMapService to decouple the service from the full tile matrix set. Being used by WmtsMapService, the CRS of the bounding box passed in is the very same as the CRS that has been passed to the WmtsMapService during initialization. To be quite clear in the logic to implement, the CRS will not be repeated as a parameter in the call to the delegate.