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CoordinateTransformations Class

Defines frequently used managed coordinate transformation routines.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ptv.Components.Projections.Direct
Assembly:  Ptv.Components.Projections (in Ptv.Components.Projections.dll) Version:
public static class CoordinateTransformations

The CoordinateTransformations type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetTransformation
Gets a managed transformation for the given CRS identifiers.
Public methodStatic memberTransformConformToWgs84
Provides the managed PTV Conform to PTV Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformEuroConformToWgs84
Provides the managed PTV Euro Conform to PTV Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformGoogleMercatorToPtvMercator
Provides the managed Google Mercator to PTV Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformGoogleMercatorToWgs84
Provides the managed Google Mercator to WGS84 transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformMercatorToRasterSmartUnits
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to PTV Raster Smart Units transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformPtvGeodecimalToWgs84
Provides the managed PTV Geodecimal to WGS84 transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformPtvGeoMinSekToWgs84
Provides the managed PTV GeoMinSek to WGS84 transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformPtvMercatorToGoogleMercator
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to Google Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformPtvMercatorToWgs84
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to WGS84 transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformRasterSmartUnitsToMercator
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to PTV Raster Smart Units transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformUtmToWgs84
Provides the managed UTM to PTV Geodecimal transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToConform
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to PTV Conform transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToEuroConform
Provides the managed PTV Mercator to PTV Euro Conform transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToGoogleMercator
Provides the managed WGS84 to Google Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToPtvGeodecimal
Provides the managed WGS84 to PTV Geodecimal transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToPtvGeoMinSek
Provides the managed WGS84 to PTV GeoMinSek transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToPtvMercator
Provides the managed WGS84 to PTV Mercator transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTransformWgs84ToUtm
Provides the managed WGSPTV Geodecimal to UTM transformation.
Public methodStatic memberTryGetTransformation
Tries to get a managed transformation for the given CRS identifiers.

The provided routines are mainly used by CoordinateTransformation to implement a direct coordinate transformation given a source and target identifier of a coordinate reference system.

The coordinate transformations may be used directly. The z-coordinate of the transformation methods can be ignored (reserved for future use).

See Also