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Registry Class

Manages coordinate reference systems in a reusable way.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ptv.Components.Projections
Assembly:  Ptv.Components.Projections (in Ptv.Components.Projections.dll) Version:
public static class Registry

The Registry type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAdd(String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, Boolean)
Stores a CoordinateReferenceSystem in the registry.
Public methodStatic memberAdd(String, String, Boolean)
Creates, initializes and stores a CoordinateReferenceSystem in the registry.
Public methodStatic memberContains
Checks if the registry contains a specific coordinate reference system.
Public methodStatic memberDispose
Disposes the CoordinateReferenceSystem objects currently stored in the registry.
Public methodStatic memberGet
Tries to find a CoordinateReferenceSystem in the registry.
Public methodStatic memberGetContent
Returns the contents of the registry in CSV format.
Public methodStatic memberGetIds
Returns the identifiers of the coordinate reference systems currently known to the registry.
Public methodStatic memberSetContent
Adds the coordinate references system defined by a CSV formatted string to the registry.

The Registry stores CoordinateReferenceSystem instances and provides an access using CRS identifiers, e.g. EPSG:4326.

On startup, the Registry is initialized from an internal EPSG database so that it is ready to provide access to all well known coordinate reference systems, e.g. EPSG:4326 (WGS84), EPSG:76131 (PTV Mercator) or EPSG:3857 (Google Mercator) to name a few. At the very base, the EPSG database included was generated out of the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, which is maintained by the Geodesy Subcommittee of OGP. In addition to those EPSG codes, aliases are injected (e.g. CoordinateReferenceSystem.Mapserver, CoordinateReferenceSystem.XServer) to make the access more convenient. For the rare case that coordinate reference systems are missing, coordinate reference systems can be added or overwritten using Registry.Add.

See Also