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MapStringId Enumeration

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Namespace:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.Localization
Assembly:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map (in Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.dll) Version:
public enum MapStringId
  Member nameValueDescription
Aerials0 Text for aerial layer.
Background1 Text for background layer.
Caption2 Text for caption.
East3 Text for east.
Labels4 Text for label layer.
North5 Text for north.
Options6 Text for options.
Selectability7 Text for layer selectability.
South8 Text for south.
TruckAttributes9 Text for truck attributes layer.
Visibility10 Text for layer visibility.
West11 Text for south.
ToolTipTrafficIncidentsAbsoluteSpeed12 Tool tip text for absolute speed value of traffic incidents.
ToolTipTrafficIncidentsLength13 Tool tip text for length of a traffic incident.
ToolTipTrafficIncidentsDelay14 Tool tip text for delay caused by a traffic incident.
ToolTipTrafficIncidentsMessage15 Tool tip text for more detailed description of a traffic incident.
ToolTipTruckAttributesTotalPermittedWeight16 Tool tip text for value of truck attribute permitted total weight.
ToolTipTruckAttributesLoadType17 Tool tip text for value of load type.
ToolTipTruckAttributesLoadTypePassenger18 Tool tip text for value of load type passenger.
ToolTipTruckAttributesLoadTypeGoods19 Tool tip text for value of load type goods.
ToolTipTruckAttributesLoadTypeMixed20 Tool tip text for value of load type passenger.
ToolTipTruckAttributesMaxHeight21 Tool tip text for value of maximal height.
ToolTipTruckAttributesMaxWeight22 Tool tip text for value of maximal weight.
ToolTipTruckAttributesMaxWidth23 Tool tip text for value of maximal width.
ToolTipTruckAttributesMaxLength24 Tool tip text for value of maximal length.
ToolTipTruckAttributesMaxAxleLoad25 Tool tip text for value of maximal axle load.
ToolTipTruckAttributesHazardousToWaters26 Tool tip text for not allowed for vehicles carrying goods hazardous to waters.
ToolTipTruckAttributesHazardousGoods27 Tool tip text for not allowed for vehicles carrying hazardous goods.
ToolTipTruckAttributesCombustibles28 Tool tip text for not allowed for vehicles carrying combustibles.
ToolTipTruckAttributesFreeForDelivery29 Tool tip text for delivery vehicles which are not concerned by the restriction.
ToolTipTruckAttributesTunnelRestriction30 Tool tip text for tunnel restriction code.
Transport31 Text for transport layer
See Also