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GeoTransform Class

Native class performing transformations of different coordinate formats.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.Tools
Assembly:  Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map (in Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map.dll) Version:
public static class GeoTransform

The GeoTransform type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetTransform
Public methodStatic memberIsValidGeoCoordinate
Check if the coordinates of the input point have valid values (i.e. unequal zero and not NaN).
Public methodStatic memberLatLonToString(Double, Double)
Converts latitude/longitude coordinates to a textual representation.
Public methodStatic memberLatLonToString(Double, Double, Boolean)
Converts latitude/longitude coordinates to a textual representation.
Public methodStatic memberPtvMercatorToWGS
Transforms a point given in PTV-internal Mercator format to the WGS format.
Public methodStatic memberTileToPtvMercatorAtZoom
Envelope rectangle of a certain tile, specified by x- and y-position and zoom level.
Public methodStatic memberTileToPtvSmartUnitAtZoom
Envelope rectangle of a certain tile, specified by x- and y-position and zoom level.
Public methodStatic memberTileToWebMercatorAtZoom
Envelope rectangle of a certain tile, specified by x- and y-position and zoom level.
Public methodStatic memberTileXYToQuadKey
Converts tile XY coordinates into a QuadKey at a specified level of detail.
Public methodStatic memberTransform
Transforms a point of the given reference system to a point of another reference system.
Public methodStatic memberWGSToPtvMercator(Double)
Transforms a distance value given in WGS format to the PTV-internal Mercator format.
Public methodStatic memberWGSToPtvMercator(Point)
Transforms a point given in WGS format to the PTV-internal Mercator format.
See Also